360 photo
If you shoot your products in 360, know that we can activate the feature on your account to view your 360 in MP4 format. Do not hesitate to contact us if you want to activate the feature.
In the different screen display modes, use the keyboard shortcut control + B to make a red, black and white background appear in place of the transparent background. At a glance you can control the clipping work.
To validate more quickly, you can pre-register reasons for refusal. In validation, by clicking on the “Reject” button, you will only have to select the appropriate reason in 1 click. An automatic comment will be added to the image history.
The entry of the reasons for refusal can be found in the Production Settings > “Alerts and Workflow” section > “Validation” section
Click on “Pre-register reasons for refusal” and fill in the fields that appear. The main reasons for refusal will be accessible directly in the pop-up, the secondary reasons for refusal will be in the “Other” drop-down menu (see image above).
Remember to feed the production templates so that the reasons for refusal are automatically contributed to the creation of productions.
From the editing screen, you can download the comments, annotations, and cropping requested on each photo in PDF format.
The feature can be found in the action dropdown menu on the editing screens.
This feature is dedicated to accounts that have activated two-level validation for the “To be broadcast” filter and the distribution of validated photos on your eCommerce site for the “Broadcast” and “Delivery error” filter. If you are interested in these two features, do not hesitate to contact us at help@grand-shooting.com.
In validation, new filters are appearing.
To be broadcast = the photos were marked “To be broadcast” during the second validation. They will change to “broadcast” status the next time the broadcast is sent.
Broadcast = the broadcast has taken place, the images have been automatically sent to your e-commerce site
Broadcast error = there was an error during the broadcast, restart one manually. If there is still an error on the next broadcast, contact our technical team.
Ignoring images allows you to exclude them from production and from your follow-up. The ignored images are isolated in a separate filter and are no longer mixed with the images to be processed. For example: in post-production, a collage photo can be ignored to no longer be with the images to be retouched.
The feature is available at all stages of the workflow: Live, post-production and validation. Use the drop-down menu of actions on the Live and on the editing screens. In validation, it can be found in the menu accessible via the “...” in the zoom of each image.
The ignored images can be found in the +filters area of each screen. In case of errors, you can restore the affected images.
By ignoring an image from Live, it will be in the “Photo ignored” filter on the post-production screen.
As a retoucher, if you ignore an image from your edit screen, it won't be exported.
This feature is dedicated to producer accounts and accessible to administrators only.
You can customize the display of the table available from the home page to highlight the information that is most useful to your process.
From the home page, on the left side of the production monitoring table, click on the “Display Settings” button.
Then select the columns you want to appear for your follow-up.
The display settings you choose are valid for all users on your account.
Another new feature: by clicking on the numbers you are redirected to the relevant screen already pre-filtered.
Example: if you click on the number 100 in the “Rejected” column, from the production 20PE_FEMME_GM_502019_SD you will be redirected to the validation screen filtered out of the 100 rejected visuals.
If you areIf you want to see all the images on the screen, click on the number in the TOTAL column.
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