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March 2020


Add tags in the Live and Validation

From Live and Validation, add unit tags to each image. From image mode, click on the 3 small dots to access the menu and then on “Add a tag”. They will improve the search criteria for finding your images.

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This tag is placed only on the current image: either the raw Live photo or the retouched validation photo. The tag is not carried throughout the workflow.
You can always add a tag to the entire reference from the catalog or from the Live.


New features for cropping

The crop feature is available by activating it from the production settings (Allow cropping). It allows you to apply a frame to the images in the zoom. Exports can apply this framework if you select “Apply framing” in the export.

If you use cropping, two new features are dedicated to it:

  • Only see the defined area inside the frame (button at the top right of the zoom)
  • Reset frame rotation (Shift + R keyboard shortcut)

Keyboard shortcuts in zoom

Keyboard shortcuts have been added in the zoom to optimize your actions. Find them in the cmd button at the top right of the zoom.

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New ways to display in Live and Validation

The pictos have been given a makeover. Do you like it?

Finder mode: allows you to drop your images into sub-folders. You can use them in the search filter.

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Summary table: you can download the data in excel format.

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List: displays the expected views of your specifications for the shooting method of your production. Great for finding out if images are missing.


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Images: photos are in the spotlight.
Use the slider to change the size of the images displayed.

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Look: This mode shows the look information associated with the selected images. You can complete them from the styling screen or directly on the Live.

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Urgent reference: all photos in the reference become priority.

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Adjusts the display size of the images.


Improving the loading of visuals

Image loading has been improved. You can now load all images regardless of their extension, zip files and folders.

Use the upload button or drag and drop your files directly onto the Live or post-production screen.

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Tip: If you organize your images into subfolders, use the “Finder” view mode to drop your files in the right location.

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Metadata on productions

From the settings of each production, you can add information about the production team: photographer, model, stylist, rights deadline, etc...
Thus, you can search throughout the application, for example on the name of the photographer, to find all the images that were produced by him.

If necessary, click on the “Edit” link to add or remove fields.

Capture d’écran 2020-03-27 à 10.19.50

Feel free to add the additional fields you need in the production templates.


New catalog

The catalog is in the spotlight in this new production.
It now provides an overview of all integrated references.
Use the “Group by” dropdown menu to organize your catalog according to the criteria that best fit your organization. Your preference will be remembered and personal.

At a glance, Grand Shooting shows the distribution of references according to each production status and the total number of products in the category. From the summary table, click on the number in each column to automatically filter the catalog based on the data you are looking for.

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  • Not started = the product was not shot at all.
  • Planned = the reference is provided in the references to the shooter of a production but has not yet been shot. You can find the production date on the right of the reference information.
  • In progress = images have been shot for this product but the expected views of the specifications are missing.
  • Shooté = all expected views have been shot.
    If the views are not included in the specifications, the reference will be considered shot as soon as at least one image is loaded into Grand Shooting.
  • Total = number of references in the category, all statuses combined

The search filter shows you in which category the reference you are looking for is located. To know everything about the catalog, do not hesitate to consult the article”Loading an excel catalog“.