In order to homogenize a large number of images for marketplaces, we have developed a new AI algorithm that determines whether an image can be cropped or not.
For example, an ambience image can in some cases have a coherent rendering after cropping and applying a plain background. A subject zoom does not need to be cropped. This algorithm will thus perfect the classification and the automatic sending of visuals for retouching.
Grand Shooting integrates into its commercial offer, an offer dedicated to visual processing for marketplaces. A series of AI algorithms and treatments are deployed to automate treatments.
One of our algorithms allows the qualification of media according to a first classification: packshot/model/packshot + ambiance or model + ambiance.
The definition of an environment has been redesigned to better match the needs of brands and marketplaces: it is a scene of life, whether outside or inside.
The counters displayed on the logistics part and on the reporting part have been improved for better understanding and consistency.
Administrators can create user accounts from their personal space. The creation has been simplified with the removal of the civility/telephone/access capture station fields.
A Simpler Form!
Producer accounts have access to a table on the home page that allows you to monitor productions. How many media were shot? How many need to be touched up, etc...
In a previous version, we added the possibility from the editing screens to filter on the media “to be exported”.
In this new version, it is possible to use this counter on the home page.
From the home page, click on the settings button:
Activate the “To be exported” column and click on Save
This counter shows the number of files that were not exported for validation.
Note that a file can be in both “Retouched” and “To be exported” status. Once the exports are generated and the files are validated, the counter will change to 0.
By default, export processing applies media resampling to meet the various technical constraints of e-commerce sites. The treatments have been optimized for a better final result.
Grand Shooting integrates into its commercial offer, an offer dedicated to visual processing for marketplaces. A series of AI and processing algorithms are deployed to automate treatments.
A new algorithm allows you to crop images of type Lifestyle in a smart way:
The module for generating thumbnails after generating exports has been improved: processings now run faster.
Catalog loading has been optimized. For each imported reference, Grand Shooting analyzes whether it was already loaded beforehand and with what associated data. In case when loaded data keep the same, no modification is performed.
The xls report download has been improved in order to allow files with more rows to be recovered.
This operation is valid for reporting and catalog excel files.