February 2019



Double validation

The feature is deployed for Enterprise licenses.

For Key Account licenses, validation in 2 steps is now possible. This new feature meets various needs in terms of workflow. Do not hesitate to contact the Grand Shooting team if you want more information on this subject.


Add tags on Live images

On Live, in simple display mode, a new “add a tag” link appears under each image. These tags are associated with images (not with products in the catalog). They are indexed by our search engine, which means that you can filter on your tags all over the application.


Brand accounts: delegate your productions

Over time we realized that brands that outsourced production to an external photo studio only had partial control of the brief in Grand Shooting.

In particular, the listings of the products to be shot were not always loaded by the studios. Naming conventions were not always respected.

If you are in this case, the new version of Grand Shooting will please you! You can create your productions and then delegate them to your partners. The advantages are multiple:

  1. You name the productions as you want
  2. You add references to shooter for better follow-up
  3. You send capture files to limit naming errors during the shoot

We recommend creating a production template for each partner.
To create a new shooting session, click on “New production” then choose the template that fits.


Open files in bulk on Photoshop

This is a very practical new feature!

As a reminder, as a retoucher, you can open a file directly in Photoshop via the “open” link available under the image thumbnails. This link appears when you have synchronized the edit folder.

This part has been improved to open multiple files en masse at the same time. Select the images from the center column, then in the action dropdown menu click “Open”.


In Live, looks and cross-selling are evolving

The Live screen has a new display mode: “LOOK”. When a series of images is associated with the same look, this new display mode simplifies your life:

For each product reference associated with the look you choose the right images. So you can choose to duplicate an image for several references of the look (the indication “x2", “x3"... appears in the orange dot). Conversely, you can choose different images for each reference. In all cases, you must click on the orange dot to associate an image with a reference of the look.

If you prepared your looks before the shooting session (see above), the looks will automatically appear in this new Live display mode.

If not, you will be invited to create a new look and then list the references visible on the Live image. Historically, this is how you used to create your looks in Grand Shooting.

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A look with 2 associated references (shorts and sweatshirt)

Note: we have retained the old method used to create the looks (from the “IMG” expert mode in Live). Note that eventually this mode will disappear to keep only this new “LOOK” display mode.

Finally, the Excel file containing all the information entered in the looks is always available from the left column of the Live.


Prepare your styling, prepare your looks

The “Styling” link available on the home page offers a new feature that will simplify pre-production: you prepare your looks in advance, i.e. the list of products that will be worn by the model on each series of images.

The looks are grouped by folder. For some, a file will be a shooting session. For others, a folder will correspond to an entire collection.

Note: we use the term “look”, but functionality is relevant for all types of compositions, whether there is a mannequin or not.

What is a look? At a minimum, it is a name (ex: LOOK_1) and a set of product references that will be visible on the same image. You can associate an image, for example a photo taken with a smartphone during a try on session, and a comment.

When you create a new look, it will default to Draft status. You can validate it to indicate that the look is ready to be shot.

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Note: to avoid confusion, we do not allow 2 looks to have the same name. You may need to add the name of the collection or the type of shooting to the name of the look to avoid duplicates (ex: LOOK_FW19_1).


Crop and rotate the image from zoom

A new tool is available in the zoom when you click on a Live photo: now you can crop (dimension and orientation)!

Concretely, the image is sent for retouching in full size, and it is at the time of exports that the crop is applied to obtain the final image to be validated. If the crop is not suitable, you can go back to the Live to adjust it and then re-trigger the exports so that the changes are taken into account.

This new feature is activated in the advanced Live settings. You can also choose a size to have a homothetic ratio compatible with the size of the photos expected at the end of post-production.

Finally, in the configuration of each export, check the “Apply framing” box if you want the export to automatically apply the crop to all the retouched photos.

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Important : For the automatic cropping to go well, the retouched images must not have already been cropped. Otherwise the result will not be as expected.


Sorting in the Live

Many of you asked us for it! In Live, you can now sort images by file name, order of arrival, or status.


New alert on Live: wrong file names 

Like the files generated for the capture, Grand Shooting can now display an alert in the Live when the image convention is not respected. To activate this alert, check the “Strict control of file names” box in the production settings.

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Notification for declined photos

In validation, when a visual is refused, an automatic email is sent to the retouchers and the production manager declared in the parameters of the shooting session. The aim is to speed up the processing of corrections.


Make it easy to name photos with capture folders

After indicating the references to shoot on your production, Grand Shooting allows you to download a zip file including one folder per product reference. The names of the folders use your convention for the final naming of your images. This tip facilitates the work of the photographer or digital operator and makes it possible to limit typing errors, and therefore misnamed images.

Everything is customizable! Depending on your needs, you can include variables or specific words in the names of the folders.

In the example below, the brand name + the reference will make up the name of the folder.

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New “Planned” status for products in a shotlist

The “Planned” status appears in the shotlists. It makes it possible to identify among the unshot products those that were associated with future productions.

When a reference is planned (i.e. associated with future production), the scheduled date of the session appears on the right. Click on it to be redirected to the live in question.

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Improved the addition of references to capture

When creating the shooting sessions, indicate the list of references of the products to be shot. On Live, you will have empty boxes for each of the shooter references. They will be filled automatically as the visuals are loaded. The remaining boxes will be the products that were not shot.

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There are 2 ways to indicate the references of the products to be shot:

  • Since the session was set up.
    Create your shooting session then go to the “Shooter References” section from the left column. Copy and paste your references from an Excel listing into the table and click “Save” at the bottom right of the screen.

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  • From your shotlist, click on the “Create a production” button. Select the references to shoot and drag them to the right side. Then follow the instructions to finish creating your shooting session.