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May 2021


Restricted  access to the catalog

When creating user accounts, you choose the type of access of the person. With restricted access, you give visibility only to specific screens (image bank and/or shotlist for example). Starting today, you can choose to share your entire catalog, allowing these users to follow the progress of the productions of your collections. Simplified communication guaranteed!


Download validated photos of a production in one click

After validation, download the validated photos in one click using the button available from the left column.

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Download  validated photos in PDF

Create PDF sheets with validated photos in one click from the validation and from the image bank. Make your selection, then using the menu at the bottom of the screen, click on “Download as PDF”.

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Republishing validated images

Broadcast is a Grand Shooting module that allows all automatically validated images to be sent to an FTP/an e-commerce site/a DAM. If you want to activate this module, write to us at

When broadcasting is activated on your account, images are sent automatically at predefined times of the day.
Manually, if you want to rebroadcast an image, go to the validation.
Search for the image concerned then, using the menu available in the 3 small dots, click on “Rebroadcast”. The image will be re-sent at the next broadcast.

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For a mass action, select the references concerned then, using the menu at the bottom of the screen, click on “Rebroadcast”.

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Block the zoom to 100%

By default, the Grand Shooting zoom allows you to enlarge the image to 200%.
From the production settings, you can block the zoom to 100% to best adapt to the needs of the brand's e-commerce site.
This feature is available for producers in the production concerned.

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Do not hesitate to modify your production templates to automate your choice on all productions.


Look: new reporting in the Live

On the Live screen, you associate images with the references present on your looks/compositions. From the left column, a new excel file groups together all the references and associated photos within your looks.

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Look: you are notified when a product is already associated with another look

The functionality of the looks makes it possible to associate several references to the same image. You can go further by specifically selecting the images on which each of the references are located. This precision makes it possible to duplicate the photo by renaming it with the name of the reference or to refine the search on the image bank by displaying all the photos where the product is visible.

At the time of the association in the Live, you are notified at a glance if other images have been associated for this product on one of the looks from the production.

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Search on the “Information” fields of productions

When you create productions, from the Settings section, you can fill in the information related to this shooting session, for example the name of the photographer, the model, the rights deadline, etc.

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Now, once the fields are filled in, you can search the image bank and the production page to find photos related to a person on the team. For example, all photos shot by a photographer.


Download our mobile application

The functionalities of our mobile application have been improved.
The Grand-Shooting application is available from the download platforms for IOS and android. You will find the Live and validation screens, the creation of productions and the management of push notifications. Enough to gain in productivity and instantaneity!

From the Live, you can annotate your images, you select them or request a re-shoot by swiping left or right.
Since the validation, you validate or refuse the images with the same swipe system.

With the creation of productions, you quickly start your day by using your templates and by adding the necessary access to the shooting (digital operator, photographer, retouchers, guests).

From the notification settings, you customize the notifications you want to receive on your mobile to be notified instantly of the progress of your productions.

Communication is thus accelerated!

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