November 2018



New Enterprise license

The Grand Shooting family is growing with a new license dedicated to major accounts.

This license provides for the hosting of the platform on a dedicated environment within our infrastructure. Bandwidth can be increased to speed up media loading.

For our customers who upgrade their license and switch to this new license, the advantages are multiple:

  • Customized technical integration is possible, for example to integrate an ERP or logistics flows.
  • The workflow can be adapted and automated to reduce the time it takes to put media online according to internal technical and organizational constraints.
  • We are deploying a dashboard that calculates metrics on the use of the platform in real time. It is becoming very simple to monitor the online upload times as well as the quality of the images produced.
  • Since Grand Shooting is deployed on a dedicated environment, version upgrades are scheduled at the least critical moments for our customers.
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Example of a dashboard to monitor operations

Do not hesitate to contact the Grand Shooting team if you want more information on this Major Accounts license.


Logistics - EAN by size

Many customers use bar codes to track shipments and receipts of samples produced.

Product barcodes are loaded into shotlists in the same way as model codes or color codes. Thus a product can be identified in Grand Shooting either from its reference, or by beeping its bar code.

The problem is that very often the bar code includes size information but the photo studio does not always know in advance what size it will receive. And if generally the same sizes are always shot, there may be errors...

Because size information is very often the last characters in the bar code, the new version of Grand Shooting makes it possible to ignore it, so that a product can always be beeped regardless of its size.

Do not hesitate to contact us to implement this new feature.


Feedback reporting

The reporting screen has a new entry for comments. This new entry will allow you to extract all the comments noted on the images at the various stages of the workflow.

This new export is useful, for example, if you need to review the correction requests requested from retouchers.


Grand Shooting Settings

Grand Shooting's configuration options have been extended, including the removal of exports, shooting methods and FTP transfer accounts that you no longer need.

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Post-production - FTP exchange

Grand Shooting automates exchanges with remote retouchers by FTP.

This widely used feature was sometimes criticized because of the “black box” effect: your retouching provider tells you that they delivered the images but they do not go back to Grand Shooting.

In 99% of cases the images do not go up because your service provider did not put them in the expected directory.

To overcome these difficulties, 2 levels of information have been put in place:

  1. The 1st level concerns the email sent to your service provider to notify him that new images need to be retouched. This email now clearly indicates the directory for submitting retouched images.
  2. From the left column of the retouching screen, you'll see a “View Transfers” link. This link shows the recovery path expected by Grand Shooting.

Post-production - Rejecting images en masse

Another new function that will save you time: from the editing screen (phase 1 or phase 2), you can now select several visuals and reject them en masse. A pop-up invites you to fill in a general comment that justifies the refusal.

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Post-production - New ergonomics

In this new version we have revised the layout of the stickers to improve comfort and save you time. Thumbnails are larger, annotations are visible at a glance, and comments are displayed when hovering over the image.

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E-commerce session on/off

Grand Shooting is a tool dedicated to the production of media for e-commerce. The images are therefore naturally associated with the product references in your catalog. However, you may want to use the platform to shoot photos that are not directly linked to your catalog.

To do this, simply deactivate the “E-commerce session” option from now on. By deactivating this mode, you can shoot your non-e-commerce photos without naming, references and catalog constraints.

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Production manager

When it comes time to create a new production, you don't always know who will be responsible for capturing and editing.

With the new version of Grand Shooting, you can identify a production manager. He will be in charge of setting the rights for capture and editing.

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Shotlist - Detecting import errors

When loading an Excel file to feed a shotlist, the application performs a set of checks: the presence of duplicate references, an EAN code is used for several references, etc.

From now on, you can force the loading of a file by ignoring the lines in error.


Image library - See related photos

By default, each media is associated with a reference found in your catalog.

But when an image shows several products, you can identify them all (via the “look” function in the Live).

When looking for media in the image bank, you therefore have 2 options:

  • either you want the media associated by default with the reference you are looking for,
  • or you want to extend the search to all media in which the reference has been explicitly identified.


In the example below, 78 photos are directly associated with catalog references that include the mention “dyesp”. In addition, the extended search indicates that 131 photos show products whose reference includes the mention “dyesp”.

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Of course, to activate this feature, you must first have filled in the looks in the Live.


Image library - Private or public album

As a reminder, albums are very useful for preparing selections of images from the image library.

Now an album can be private or public:

  • a private album is only visible to you, and to people who have shared access
  • a public album is visible to all users of your Grand Shooting account, and to people who have shared access

You can change the visibility of an album at any time (public/private) using the dropdown menu at the top left of the album.

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Image library - Sharing

You certainly know that you can create external accesses to your image library. Until now you had to add users to your Grand Shooting account, and restrict the access rights of these users to your image library.

This feature is very practical to allow your collaborators to download validated visuals, without them being able to access the productions.

To open your image bank to partners external to your company, you can now create shares from the administration page of your image library.

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Enter the email address of your partner, if necessary you can limit access to one or more exports.

The interested person will have their own Grand Shooting account, and from their account they will have access to your image bank as long as the sharing is active.


Search engine

The home page includes a new, even more powerful search engine. For example, if you are looking for a reference, it finds in a fraction of a second the productions that have associated images. And while some images are available for download, the image bank offers them directly for download. The new ergonomics will save you a lot of time.


New home page for brands

From the home page of the application, access directly to your current productions.
The display of productions is updated according to the date photos were uploaded on all stages of the worklow. In other words: we show productions where new media are available.

Another novelty: you have direct access to the most advanced stage in the workflow: Live if the shooting is in progress, validation if images need to be validated.

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