When creating your productions, you can add a list of products to shoot or looks for a better follow-up of the rest to do. To add looks, the procedure is the same as for references.
After creating your looks, export them as a PDF. Convenient to take them with you to the photo studio! It is possible to export them en masse by selecting all the references in a folder or to do it one by one. Use the menu inside the 3 small dots.
The catalog information is loaded via the upload of an excel file. You can now edit them manually or even add an image to your reference.
From your shotlist, click on “Catalog info”.
From the Live, use the 3 small dots to get to the catalog screen.
To change or add information, click “Edit.”
Warning: you cannot use an already existing reference or associate an EAN already associated with another reference.
A new access right has been set up to manage the users of your account: the restricted user. You give it access to 3 screens to choose from and can restrict its visibility to a catalog perimeter.
The perimeter section of the catalog allows you to restrict its visibility on images belonging to part of your catalog (universe/range/family column in your excel file). Click on “Hierarchy Keywords” and specify the keywords in the catalog. To help you, Grand Shooting offers you existing catalog information. You can add several to the same user.
In our example, the user will have access to the “Image Bank” and “Validation” screens filtered on the “Shoes” category.
The color white is now available in the zoom to highlight your images. The feature is at the top right of the zoom.
When you add access rights to the capture manager to upload visuals, an email is sent automatically. Starting today, personalize this message to explain your process, for example.
To personalize this message, go to the production settings, section “Alerts and Workflow”. If the message is still the same, add it to your production templates.
A new alert is available: the alert on missing views.
Grand Shooting can deduce from the declared references to shoot and from your specifications the number of visuals to be produced. If images are missing, you will know it thanks to the alert counter available at the top of the right column.
In the live, alerts are summarized in the excel view. The red counter highlights the number of alerts to be processed. If necessary, you can extract this table using the “Download the excel file” button at the bottom right of the screen.
Save time! The annotations are directly visible on the images. When you hover over the image, comments appear.
In image mode, use the slider available at the top right to change the display size of your images. The number of images varies depending on the size of your screen.