Welcome to Grand Shooting! For a good grip, here is an overview of the home page dedicated to brands.
**Personal space**You change your information, customize notifications and, for admins, you create new user accesses.
**Settings** Accessible to account administrators, this section allows advanced account settings.
**Notifications** They are configurable for each user in your personal space.
**New production**Create a production to load media (images, videos, PDFs, 3D files, etc...). A production can last 1 or several days
**Catalog**It centralizes all the data concerning your products. You follow the progress of the collections: what is being shot? What is left to do?
**Search**Use the search filter to find out which production (s) one or more references are in.
**Reporting**Various reports are available to analyze the data. You can download them in excel format.
**Productions**These are work sessions. They start with the loading of the raw files into the Live and end with the validation of the finalized files. On the home page, they are sorted in order of last load. By clicking on Show +, you will find all the productions in progress.
**Live**Live is the first step in workflow. It generally contains raw files (exceptions for workflows that do not include a retouching phase). During a shooting, the raw files can be uploaded over time in order to carry out the editing, the requests for retouching and the addition of cross-sell/shop the look information.
**Approval**Last stage of the workflow, you validate or refuse the files after the retouching, resizing and renaming steps. The validated files can then be distributed in your information systems.
**Image gallery** It centralizes all validated files which are then available for download. The image bank can be shared with internal or external users.
**Albums**Image gallery feature, albums allow you to create media selections that you can share.
**Specification**Complete in the specification the number of views to be produced for each product category. You will have a better follow-up of the rest to do in the catalog!
**Shotlists**Create reference selections to track their progress in the workflow.
**Styles** Prepare your looks in advance: you can download your looks in PDF for stylists, feed your cross-sell files (or Shop The Look) and enrich the Grand Shooting databases.
**Logistics**The logistics module makes it possible to track the number of products physically available in your premises. You follow the receipts, the updating of the logistical statuses and the shipment of the products. The module is activated by calling on our teams.
**Admin**Administrators access the number of users added to the account.