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Here we present the workflow associated with a session. In a few minutes you will know what the steps of a workflow correspond to and how to open accesses.

The settings screen is divided into 6 menus accessible from the left column:

  1. start and end dates (by default, the day the production was created)
  2. A location
  3. workflow and alerts
  4. A list of products
  5. additional information
  6. a general summary

The most important menu is”Alerts and workflow“, all the others are optional.

First, let's detail the most important part: the workflow. And for starters, we advise you not to activate alerts and to leave the default settings.

Don't panic 😅, you You can later return to this settings screen at any time:

  • From the Grand Shooting app home page, click on the “Show +” link to list all active productions.
  • Check your production, then click on the 3 dots, then on “Production Settings”.
GIF - Goto settings

Live, Phase 1, Phase 2, Export? These are the default names of the steps in a workflow. Of course you can rename them if you want. Remember that a step in the workflow corresponds to a workspace for a team. If you have a single team in charge of all stages of production, then it is likely that only Live is necessary. For example, if one team is in charge of the capture, another is in charge of the editing, then we advise you to activate Live and Phase 1 in production.

You can activate a maximum of 2 phases in addition to Live in a production. The export stage is a special technical phase that is used to deliver media for final validation.

Assign access rights to the person who will load the media into the Live: in the Live part of the workflow settings, specify an email, a name and then click on the “+” button to the right of the name.

HC-Getting Started-03_01 Paramétrage du workflow

Then the user will receive an email asking him to connect to Grand Shooting.

HC-Getting Started-03_02 Live

In this example, the user Pedro receives an email in French. This email would have been in English if English had been his default language.

You can also add guests : without having to create an account, they will be able to access the Live and interact with the media team.
Note that by default all users registered on your GS account have access to the productions you create.

To get started, we don't need any additional steps in the workflow: the media uploaded to the Live will be directly offered for validation. To do so, remove Phase 1.

HC-Getting Started-03_02 Paramétrage du workflow

Finally activate automatic export:

HC-Getting Started-03_03 Paramétrage du workflow

In this example, the account is set up to offer several exports. If you have just created your Grand Shooting account, by default you will only be able to use the original export, i.e. the validation of the uploaded files without any transformation (no renaming, no resizing, etc.)

☝️ Good to know:

  1. You can change the workflow and change the settings as needed as long as no images have been uploaded.
  2. You can delete the production and re-create it as many times as you want, it doesn't matter as long as no images have been uploaded.
  3. As soon as images are uploaded to Live or in another phase of production, we recommend that you no longer modify the workflow: do not add or delete steps in the workflow. However, you can always change access rights and add new guests.

It's over! Now you can move on to loading the images in the Live.