While Grand Shooting works by simply loading files, the catalog makes it possible to gather all product data (reference name, collection, product category, gender, etc.) to manage the progress of collections.
Why load a catalog?
The catalog brings together all product data: reference name, collection, product category, gender, etc... The catalog provides a follow-up on the progress of the collections: what are the references for which I have files available in Grand Shooting? What are the references without files? etc... Managing your productions will be easier!
It makes it possible to automatically make the link with the specifications defined for each product category (number of views to be produced, formats, etc...). Each catalog reference is associated with the correct product category in the specifications according to the keywords integrated in the columns. Univers / Gamme / Family. A reference that will not be linked to any product category will be associated with the default category with the default specifications.
[[gsGoodToKnow title="To know "]]
This chapter discusses the manual loading of an Excel file to populate the catalog. In some cases it is possible to automate this task by automatically transferring data. To find out the feasibility of such integration, we invite you to contact the sales teams.
Import catalog
The catalog is accessible from the home page.
Then click on Import an excel file
The steps will then follow one another:
The 1st step Prepare data shows you the list of columns recognized by the application. Among this list only the column REF is mandatory. You can download an example of an Excel file with the expected columns. Click on the button Next step, at the bottom right when ready.
The 2nd step File to load is simple: you drag and drop your Excel file or you click on the central area to select it.
The 3rd step is a validation step: at this stage nothing has been saved, you check that the data in your Excel file does not contain errors. Note that if your file has several sheets, you can deselect them in the left column.
[[gsGoodToKnow title="To know "]]
Before reaching the validation stage, the platform checks the uniqueness of the references. It is not allowed to load a file containing 2 rows with the same value in the REF column. If duplicates are detected, you will be prompted to correct your Excel file or to ignore the duplicates. In the same way, you will not be able to load your file if an EAN code is associated with 2 distinct references.
The columns accepted by Grand Shooting
Table 1
(Obligatoire) Référence unique du produit à shooter
Code produit de la référence
Code EAN de la référence
Libellé de la référence
Marque commerciale
Collection du produit
Catégorie de produit (1er niveau)
Catégorie de produit (2ème niveau)
Catégorie de produit (3ème niveau)
Homme, Femme, Enfant, Garçon, Fille, Bébé, etc…
Code de la couleur
Code hexadecimal pour afficher un color swatch
Taille du produit (peut importe l’unité)
Information supplémentaire pouvant servir au renommage
Codes EAN (séparés par une virgule) associés à la REF (*)
Date d'implantation de la référence sur le site e-commerce
Commentaire portant sur le shooting de cette référence
Série de tags séparés par une virgule
(*) See logistics and bar codes
[[gsgoodToKnow title="To know "]]
The Urgent tag will mark the urgent reference, as well as any files that refer to it.
Once the catalog is imported, the references are visible. Each box represents an expected view according to the specifications. As soon as they are shot, the files automatically populate the boxes to monitor the progress of the collections and know what else to do.
All views from the first reference are expected (not started). 4 views out of 5 are available for the second reference (in progress).
Update a catalog
Don't be afraid to update a catalog: you're updating the loaded data, and you'll never lose any information.
Let's take a simple example: At the beginning of the collection you load an exhaustive catalog with all the data: reference, product label, color code, universe, product family, etc. 2 months later you want to update your catalog because the implementation dates have changed. You then load an Excel file that has only 2 columns: REF and ONLINE. The Grand Shooting platform will not delete data from columns in the initial file because they are not present in the last uploaded file. Only the ONLINE column will be updated for the references in the 2nd file.
A product vs. a reference
A product can be available in different sizes and/or in different colors. In the majority of cases a reference (REF column) corresponds to a “refcol”, that is to say to a color variation of a product (all sizes combined).
Take the example of a shirt available in 2 colors (blue and white) and for each color in several sizes (S, M, L and XL). You will want to photograph the shirt in its 2 colors but each time in only one size because the images will apply to all shirt sizes.
In this example you will load 2 references (2 refcols) and the references in the REF column must include the product code + the color code. It is not necessary to fill in the SIZE column.
Now let's take the example of a line of small leather goods products. The same product is also available in different colors and in different sizes. But this time, to make the customer aware of the proportions, you want images for all sizes.
In this example you will load as many rows as there are color x size combinations. The references in the REF column must have the product code + the color code + the size code. The COLOR and SIZE columns will also be filled in.
[[gsGoodToKnow title="To know "]]
Why enter the product code in the PRODUCT_REF column? Because it will allow you to group references by product code in the catalog and in the reporting screens. If you do not enter it, it will be automatically completed with the name of the REF.
Logistics and bar codes
To simplify the flow of product samples, Grand Shooting offers a logistics module. The catalog allows the loading of an additional EAN column named ALTERNATIVE_EANS in order to be able to identify the products using all possible EAN codes for the reference.
[[gsGoodToKnow title="To know "]]
Compliance with a standard such as Gencode or EAN13 is not mandatory. You can load any alphanumeric identifier into this column that will be printed in the form of a bar code.
In Grand Shooting, you can find a product either by its reference or by its EAN code. For this reason, a check is carried out when the catalog is loaded to ensure that an EAN code is only used by a single reference.
Finally, in the previous example where you have to photograph 2 shirts, you do not always know in what size you will receive the products. Therefore Grand Shooting must associate the 4 EAN codes for white shirts (in sizes S, M, L and XL) with the refcol “White shirt” and the 4 other EAN codes for blue shirts with the refcol “Blue shirt”.
Assuming you expect products in size M for the model, here is what data to load into the catalog:
In column EAN enter the EAN code of the product in size M
In column ALTERNATIVE_EANS, indicate the EAN codes of the products in sizes S, L and XL. The codes are separated by commas.
Thus Grand Shooting will know in all cases which reflections to associate the samples produced with, regardless of the sizes actually received.
Additional columns
If you want to load more information than what is offered by default, it is possible to declare additional columns. They will be detected in your Excel data and imported. Note: only an administrator can perform this configuration.
Go to the application settings then Catalog.
Several customizations are available on this page:
Maximum length of an EAN: allows you not to load the whole EAN
Additional columns
API: Addition of additional information related to EANs
API: Addition of additional information related to logistics entries
To add additional columns, go to the section Additional columns.
La Column key corresponds to the title of the column in your Excel file. The Column label is the name of the field as it will appear in the catalog screens. The Column data type Tell Grand Shooting what format the information will be in.
Once loaded, the information will appear in the catalogue then +Detail in each of the references.
They will also be available in the display Summary table.