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Your collaborators, partners and actors involved in productions can access Grand Shooting. Various rights are available to manage what everyone can see.

There are several ways to give rights to other users on your Grand Shooting account depending on the need for accessibility and visibility.

Permanent rights

Prerequisites: the creation of permanent accesses is only available to Grand Shooting account administrators.

The administrators of your Grand Shooting account can create user accounts from their Personal space

Go to the section”Teams“then”Add a new user“.

The creation of accounts via this space is intended for members of your company.

When creating the account, you have the choice of the following accesses:

  • **User Access**The user can use all Grand Shooting features. It sees all the productions on your account.
  • **Administrator access**In addition to Grand Shooting features, the administrator can manage the access rights of other users and modify the application settings (such as those in the image bank, exports, production template, etc...)
  • **Restricted user access** The user only has access to certain Grand Shooting features: image bank, validation, distribution, shotlists, catalog. If necessary, you can then restrict access to these screens to a part of your product catalog (e.g. the accessories section, shoes, leather goods, etc.). In this case, the information should be contained in the columns UNIVERSE / RANGE / FAMILY from your catalog.
    If you have several linked accounts, you manage access for each account.

Once the accesses have been created, you can modify, suspend or delete the accesses at any time.

Example of a restricted user's home page on validation and catalog. The perimeter concerned is indicated in the left column.

[[gsGoodToKnow title="To know "]]

  • **Validation access** The user accesses the validation of a production (not archived) as soon as at least 1 file is in the status For approval or Refused. He sees all files of this production, regardless of their status.
    Once all production files are in status Approved / Published, the validation screen for restricted users is updated and the files for this production are no longer displayed.
    After validation, if some files are refused again, then all files of the production reappear on the screen restricted users (regardless of their status).
    The same is true if new files in the status For approval are imported on production.
  • **Publication access**This type of access is only available for accounts that have the double validation feature (contact our sales team to activate it).

    The user accesses the broadcast of a production (not archived) as soon as at least 1 file is in the status Approved.
    Once all production files are in status To publish, the publication screen for restricted users is updated and the files for this production are no longer displayed.
    Note: if the restricted user refuses all the files, then they disappear from the screen and will be visible again when the new versions are available.
  • **Catalog perimeter**If you have added a catalog perimeter, the previous rules apply by filtering on the files corresponding to the perimeter that the user has the right to see. For example, for validation accesses, as soon as all the files within its scope are approved, then the validation of this production is no longer displayed.


Specific rights on productions

Users have access to all Productions in the Grand Shooting account, except where access restrictions apply.

Occasional access can be granted to people outside the team (colleagues, partners, subcontractors, etc.) by inviting them to take part in Productions.

Live and approval

Guest access makes it possible to give unitary access to the Live and/or to the approval of each of the productions. This user will then be able to see the files and use all the functionalities of these screens. However, it will not be able to load a file.

To give this type of rights, go to the Live or on the Approval of the desired production then click on”Add guests“from the left column.
If the column is folded, the 3 lines at the top of the column allow it to be unfolded.

An email with an access link will be sent to the email address provided.
You can remove the access granted at any time.

Production team

If you are the producer of the session, you have access to the parameters of the production.
Three types of user profiles are accessible from the section Warnings and workflow.

  • **Production manager**He has access to the entire production: Live, phase 1, exports, approval. It can change production settings and provide guest access. He only sees the production (s) to which he has rights. It does not have access to the rest of the application.
  • **Capture supervisor**This right of access is used for the person responsible for loading the raw files into the Live (most often the photographer or the digital operator). He has unique access to the live production. It can use the sync client to load files.

[[gsGoodToKnow title="To know"]]

As long as the production is active, it appears on the guest access account. If an archived production is unarchived, it reappears on the guest access account.


Access rights to the image bank

Prerequisites: the creation of permanent accesses is only available to Grand Shooting account administrators.

You can create user accounts with restricted access to the image bank, for example for partners external to your organization (press, marketplaces, etc...). These users will be able to download the validated files independently without navigating the rest of the application.

To create an access:

  1. From the image bank, click on the button Image gallery settings in the left column (button accessible to the administrators of your account).
  2. Go to the section Sharing to Add a share.
  3. Enter the email address of your partner and the export (s) he is entitled to see (the exports available depend on the configuration of your account).
  4. Click “Share.” An email will be sent to him to create his Grand Shooting account.

At any time, you can remove these accesses.

Finally, if you want to give access only to a selection of files, you can create an album

Then the share from the image bank. Only the files from this album will then be accessible.