Validation is the final step in the workflow. You validate or reject the files after the retouching, resizing, and renaming steps.
To access the approval of a production, go to the Grand Shooting home page.
Depending on your license, the home page can be presented in 2 distinct ways:
By default the files are presented one by one. You can zoom in on them, validate them or refuse them.
[[gsGoodToKnow title="To know "]]
The display mode List allows you to group files by product to have a summary view. Bulk selection is then available to validate or reject several files at the same time. The download is also available (depending on the workflow settings).
The selection of several product references is possible using the box Select all. This manipulation must be done page by page.
The order of the views can be modified by a simple drag and drop. Files are automatically renamed.
If you want to rename the files, click Rename.
Then Complete the table.
You change the name of your product in the column REFERENCE and the view code in the column VIEW. The file name is automatically updated in the column NAME. The column FOLDER Indicates whether the file will be in a subfolder at the time of download or not.
Finally, Download the validated files.
Depending on the configuration of your workflow, you download either only the validated files, or all the files regardless of their status (for approval / Refused / Approved). You can customize your workflow in production settings.