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In this article, you'll find a sample configuration for Capture One. The principles are the same for Adobe Lightroom.

Let’s assume you’re photographing a series of products with the reference numbers 0001, 0002, 0003, etc. For each product, your client has requested three views, to be named V_1, V_2 and V_3.

Example of an image the client would like to have: myclient-0001_V1.jpg

NB: There is more than one way to configure Capture One to be compatible with Grand Shooting. As long as the JPEGs are saved in the synced folders, the photos will be uploaded to the platform automatically, so you can keep using Capture One the way your experience and expertise has taught you; no need to change your habits and usual configurations.

Folder hierarchy in Capture One

We have arbitrarily chosen to create sub-folders for each of the items to be photographed (0001, 0002, 0003, etc.). These are our capture folders: before we start shooting a product, we’ll tell Capture One to stock the RAW files in the corresponding sub-folder.


Here is the same hierarchy directly in Capture One.


Automatically naming photos

Grand Shooting deduces the product number and view from the photo’s name by default. For example, a file named myclient-0001_V1.jpg will automatically be linked to product 0001 and view V_1.

Our system recognizes the following four symbols for separating different pieces of information in the file name: . - / _



It is also possible to create sub-folders within the capture folders.

Here is a possible example of output format in the “Capture” tool:


This configuration means you simply need to choose the folder for a product and enter the view number before you start shooting a series of photos.

Automatically converting RAW files to JPEGs

Capture One includes a shortcut to quickly convert RAW files into JPEGs (Cmd+D under MacOs). In the “Output” tool, we recommend the following settings:

  • JPEG 80%
  • Scale: long edge > 2000 pixels
  • Output naming format: image name

The output location is the folder synced with Grand Shooting. In our example it’s OUTPUT > JPEG.

NB: If you do not see the “Output” tool, you can pull it up from the Presentation menu > Add tool tab > Output.


Capture One is all set. Now it’s time to get to work!

Note : Capture One is registered trademark of Phase One A/S in the European Union and/or other countries.