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Publication allows validated files to be automatically sent to an FTP server or a Webdav server.

For each publication, Grand Shooting sends the files in the validated status and which have not already been sent to the FTP or webdav server (Broadcast status). The files in the status Validated, Rejected, Ignored, are not published.

Setting up the publication

The settings are accessible to account administrators via the personal space.


Click on “Webdav connector” or “FTP connector” and “Add Connection”.


Complete the fields in the form:

URL FTP / webdav server connection address
Login / Mot de passe FTP / webdav server login credentials
Port Enter the server port
SFTP Check to activate the SFTP protocol
Input folder Naming convention used to create folders into which files will be transferred. You can insert variables to make folders dynamic: in this case, Grand Shooting retrieves the information loaded in the catalog to create the subfolder
Include folders in file name The files to be transmitted are sometimes organized in sub-folders. Technically, it may be possible to send 2 files with the same name from 2 different sub-folders. In such cases, we recommend that you check this box. The file names will then be prefixed with the folder tree
Published exports Select the export(s) for which the files are to be sent to the FTP / webdav server
Publication frequency You choose the days of the week on which to publish.
The default setting is midnight. By default, publication is triggered at midnight (0h and 0 min). You can choose to broadcast every hour or at specific times by ticking the hours and minutes. Publication is limited to 2 per hour.

Then click Save.

The publication will be valid for productions created on the day it is set up.

Here is an example of configuration:


The WEB export files will be sent to an IN folder then WEB then to a subfolder with the name of the reference collection.
The publication goes on battery every hour on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.


Edit or delete a publication

Once the publication(s) have been set up, a summary table appears.
Click Edit to update publication information, such as your password if your password changes regularly.

Note: it is not possible to modify exports once the publication has been set up. If necessary, we invite you to create a new publication.

The changes made will impact the productions on which this publication was active. On the other hand, files that have already been published will not be re-sent.

The button Delete is also available.

The creation date appears: the visuals shown belong to productions with a date greater than that of the establishment of the publication.

In our example, the publication will be triggered for productions created after July 16, 2024.


To know :
The connector cannot be configured with installations requiring an SSH key or a certificate.