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A session corresponds to a project in which your media are loaded to be processed. It can be a photo shooting session, a video post-production project, or more generally a content production project (image, video or 3D).

Connect to the Grand Shooting platform. At the top of the screen, click on the “New Production” link:


The following form asks for basic information to create a new production. Fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory:

The name of the session : this name will be used at all stages of the workflow. It will be communicated to the people in charge of capturing and editing. Very often it is also communicated to customers.

Brand : you must select your customer's account or, failing that, your own account.

Date of the session : Indicate the start date and time of the shooting session. By default, a session takes place over a full day (9 am - 6 pm). In a second step you will be able to change the duration of the session.

Shooting type : the selected brand differentiates between several shooting methods to distinguish images shot in packshot, while worn, for lookbooks, etc. A default list is proposed when creating the account, it is of course configurable for each brand.

Template : Grand Shooting allows you to record in “templates” the default settings that you apply to your productions.

Finally click on the “Save” button to create the production. You will then be redirected to the production workflow configuration screen.


At any time you can return to this workflow configuration screen:

  • From the Grand Shooting app home page, click on the “see all sets” link in the left column.
  • The next screen shows all current productions. If you don't see your production, check the left column to make sure that the dropdown list shows “All brands”.
  • Finally, click on the “set up the set” link for the production concerned.