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Live is the first step in the workflow. The objective is to work on the files before post-production: selection, annotations, cropping,...

To access the Live of a production, go to the Grand Shooting home page.

Depending on your license, the home page can be presented in 2 distinct ways:

  • or the productions are presented in the form of blocks and the home page displays the last 4 productions
  • or the productions are grouped together in a table
Click on the “Live” button or on the 1st bubble of the workflow to access the Live

If your home page displays a table, you will see all current productions. Use the search field to filter by the name of the productions. Click So on the number in the column Live :

Here the number 45 gives access to all the files of the live production of 12/03.

Depending on the size of your screen, Live can have 2 or 3 columns. In the 2-column version, the 3rd column remains accessible by clicking on the menu on the left.
The filter area allows you to group files (by product reference for example) or to reduce your selection.

The screen is automatically updated as files are loaded (there is no need to refresh the page). Click on a thumbnail in the left column to see it appear larger in part on the right. A few tips:

  • With the arrows on the keyboard you navigate through the tiles.
  • Using CTL+click, you can select multiple images.
  • If you're working with a graphics tablet, you'll find elevator buttons at the bottom of each column.

[[gsGoodToKnow title="To know "]]

Many of the application's screens offer several display modes. To switch from one mode to another, click on these pictograms generally located at the top in the right column of the screen:


Give your instructions in post-production:

  • Click on an image in the right column
  • The annotation tool is then displayed, which allows you to zoom, move around the image and see all the details.
  • Draw, annotate the image or video directly
  • Add your comments to the history

Once your post-production instructions have been recorded, validate your selection by clicking on the blue circles under each image. You can select multiple tiles at once and then Add to selection in the actions menu. Branding media Selected in the Live gives the post-production an indication that it can start its work in the following steps of the workflow.