To streamline your usage, Grand Shooting incorporates a number of keyboard shortcuts.
Result | Mac | Windows |
Select All | Command + A | Ctrl + A |
Live | Arrow keys | Arrow keys |
Live / Phase 1 | Shift + T | Shift + T |
Live / Phase 1 | Shift + option + T | Shift + alt + T |
Validation / Zoom | M | M |
Many keyboard shortcuts are available in zoom mode. You can find them at the top of the zoom screen by clicking on the Cmd symbol.
Zoom - General
Result | Mac | Windows |
Close zoom | Esc | Echap |
Undo last modification | Command + Z |
Control + Z |
Next photo | ► | ► |
Previous photo | ◄ | ◄ |
Move | Hold "Space" | Hold "Space" |
Zoom in | + | + |
Zoom out | - | - |
Zoom to 100% | Double-click on the magnifying glass | Double-click on the magnifying glass |
Change background color | D | D |
Show versions | V | V |
Show templates | M | M |
Zoom - Annotation Tools
Result | Mac | Windows |
Freehand drawing | B | B |
Rectangle | U | U |
Arrow | I | I |
Text | T | T |
Crop | C | C |
Zoom - Cropping
These keyboard shortcuts are used only when the cropping feature is enabled from the production settings.
Result | Mac | Windows |
Hide areas outside the crop | Shift + H | Shift + H |
Undo rotation of a crop | Shift + R | Shift + R |
Align crop frame to the right of the image | Shift + ► | Shift + ► |
Extend the crop frame to the right of the image | Shift + ► + alt | Shift + ► + alt |
Align crop frame to the left of the image | Shift + ◄ | Shift + ◄ |
Extend the crop frame to the left of the image | Shift + ◄ + alt | Shift + ◄ + alt |
Align crop frame to the top of the image | Shift + ▲ | Shift + ▲ |
Extend the crop frame to the top of the image | Shift + ▲ + alt | Shift + ▲ + alt |
Align crop frame to the bottom of the image | Shift + ▼ | Shift + ▼ |
Extend the crop frame to the bottom of the image | Shift + ▼ + alt | Shift + ▼ + alt |
Zoom - Validation
Result | Mac | Windows |
Validate | O | O |
Reject | P | P |