What are these exports for? Firstly, exports allow for the systematic application of a set of treatments on the images, such as renaming the images (to deliver them according to your client's convention) or limiting the file size.
Exports also allow for generating multiple images from an edited image. Very often, the platform is used to generate a low-resolution image from the original high-resolution image.
Finally, exported images are checked when a specification has been filled out, so that images that do not comply are displayed in red.
In this chapter, we have not set up exports to deliver the edited images, and no checks are performed. Therefore, there cannot be any red images.
The image below shows the exports screen. To generate them, click on the "Generate exports" button. The edited images will then be reviewed one by one. Each image will be listed in the summary table.
You can trigger exports as many times as you want. The platform will only process the edited images that have been modified (or deleted) since the last exports.