Creating your first production and loading images is very simple. It won't take you more than 2 minutes.
In this series of short tutorials, you will learn how to get started with GS. Productions (or sessions) correspond to projects that will allow teams to synchronize to work effectively. Depending on the nature of the project, for example a photo shooting session or just post-production, and depending on your work organization, you will be able to set up your productions to save time.
This tutorial series introduces the simple concepts of Grand Shooting. When you will be comfortable with these concepts, you can create templates that will automatically apply your settings to your future productions. Finally, know that if you want to make the most of the possibilities of Grand Shooting, for example to exploit AI and set up automation for the analysis or processing of your media, then you may need support from one of our certified partners. Do not hesitate to ask Grand Shooting support for more information.